Tuesday 24 March 2015

10 Books I Love

Hi guys, sorry that my posts are quite irregular but with college work and trying to think of what to actually write it's hard to stick to a schedule. I've done a post with my favourite films so I decided to do one about my favourite books...

(disclaimer: I don't own all these books so not all the pictures are my own)

1.Harry Potter - JK Rowling

Okay so I LOVE the whole series (I'm such a Harry Potter geek) but my favourite one has to be The Prisoner of Azkaban, mainly because of Sirius, Lupin and the background we get about the Marauders. I could talk about Harry Potter literally all day (maybe that'll have to be another post) so I'll try not to ramble. I think JK Rowling really develops the characters and backgrounds and the whole world seems so believable, the way it's written really helps you fall in love with (or hate) the characters and I think that is one of the best parts of the series.

2.Significance - Shelly Crane

This is (again) another series I love. My friend told me about it and I did take a while to get into it but I'm now hooked! It has ups and downs and it's so cute! The cliffhangers will annoy you but it's worth it. I love the characters and I'm really looking forward to the end of the month when the next one in the series comes out.

3.  Divergent 

So thanks to purelyloved's recommendation I read Divergent and I LOVE IT!!! This book is just so so so good!! I am yet to read the rest in the series but I cannot wait to read them and I am so excited to. I have actually fallen in love with the characters and I love the storyline and plot and just everything. Totally recommend and fans of the Hunger Games and Harry Potter you should read it because you are bound to love it.
UPDATE: I have now read all the books in this series and I still love them but certain parts will anger you...

4.Paper Towns - John Green

I love John Green novels and I'm so excited for the Paper Towns movie because the book is great. I love how it focuses on the mystery of Margo and the clues she has left. One of my favourite parts is the road trip they take because it focuses on the friendships more than the romance. It's great, I love it.

5.Looking for Alaska - John Green

There is a theme here... Anyway I love Looking for Alaska and I'm so happy that it's becoming a film as well. Like Paper Towns I love the mystery element of it, when I read it the first time I (stupidly) read the end first because I wanted to know what the event was (DON'T DO THIS, IT WILL RUIN THE BOOK) so I was reading it with the knowledge of what happened. However I still found it really gripping and I really like it.

6.The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

Love them. I fell in love with characters and I think they were really well written. I was all over the place when I read them for the first time because I had no idea what the characters were really thinking and I had to re-read sections to make sense of it but I think it's really great.

7.Where Rainbows End - Cecilia Ahern

This is the book that Love, Rosie is based on. It's a really great story told through emails and texts and letters ect. It's so cute and kinda sad at times. I do get kinda annoyed when reading it because you just want to tell the characters to get it together (sorry that's vague but I really don't want to spoil it for you) It's quite a long book but I so recommend it. 

8.The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer E Smith

This is quite an easy read and is great to read to take a break. I think it's really cute! It's the sort of book you will read and think, that could totally happen to me and why hasn't it yet. I don't have the book but writing this post has made me want to get it out of the library again.

9. Private Peaceful - Michael Morpurgo

This is my favourite Michael Morpurgo book and I don't really know why because it makes me feel really sad. It's so well written and really makes you feel for the characters, part of the reason it's so sad. 

10. The Pianist - Wladysaw Szpilman

This is a true story of a Polish Jew in WWII and I think it's really good. I like this book because it makes you realise what actually happened and it does seem surprising how much humans can endure and survive. I do recommend this book, especially if you like history or are studying the world wars.

Thanks for reading, what are your feelings on the books above? Or what books do you love that you recommend?

-AnEnglishRose xx

Saturday 14 March 2015

Top 25 'Friends' Episodes

Hey guys, I am  a MASSIVE fan of Friends, it has to be my all time favourite sit-com, so I decided to do a "top 12 episodes" post. However turns out this was pretty much impossible and my first draft had 54 episodes on! I had to ask a friend for help (without it I think I'd still be deciding so thankyou ;) ) and we finally got the list down to about 20 before deciding there were a few other good ones that couldn't be left off... I'll try to not ramble on so here is (finally) my top 25 friends episodes.
(Also there was no way I could rank these (apart from pointing out my absolute favourite) so they are in episode order)

I'm so sorry if I accidentally give any spoilers, I've tried my best not too.

Series 1

1. The One with the Thumb (S1, Ep3)

Fav Part: Phoebe's discovery of the thumb...
Quote: "Yeah, otherwise, someone might get what they actually ordered"

2.  The One with All the Poker (S1, Ep18)

Fav Part: When they play all the poker (sorry that's so vague but I can't choose just one part)
Quote: "You should've seen him. 'Read 'em and weep'" "And then he did"

Series 2

3. The One After the Superbowl (S2, Ep 12&13)

Fav Part: When Phoebe is singing songs to the children at the library.
Quote: "Just go and tell him how you feel, what's the worst that could happen?" "He could hear me!"

Series 3

4. The One with the Jam (S3, Ep3)

Fav Part: When Monica starts obsessively making jam.
Quote: "A plan to get over my man! And what's the opposite of man? Jam!"

5. The One with the Giant Poking Device (S3, Ep8)

Fav Part: When they try to find out if Ugly Naked Guy is dead or not.
Quote: "Well, we're fashioning a very long poking device"

Series 4

6. The One with the Embryos (S4, Ep12)

(This is my FAVOURITE episode)
Fav Part: The quiz. The bet. All of it really
Quote: "Actually, it's Miss Chanandler Bong"

Series 5

7. The One where Everybody Finds Out (S5, Ep14)

Fav Part: Ross finding out. (Again I'm being vague but spoilers)
Quote: "They don't know that we know they know we know"

Series 6

8. The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance (S6, Ep4)

Fav Part: When Monica and Rachel watch Ross' lecture and find out about his fake accent.
Quote: "Oh Hello Dr Geller. This is Professor McNulty from the fake accent University. We'd like you to come on board with us full time.

9. The One Where Phoebe Runs (S6, Ep7)

Fav Part: Phoebe running.
Quote: "You know, I run like I did when I was a kid because that's the only way it's fun"

10. The One with Ross' Teeth (S6, Ep8)

Fav Part: When Ross tries to hide his extremely whitened teeth from his date.
Quote: "Oh are you setting Ross up with someone? Does she have a wedding dress?"

11. The One with Unagi (S6, Ep17)

Fav Part: Where Rachel and Phoebe beat up Ross after finding him hiding in their apartment
Quote: "It's nothing something you are, it's something you have!"

Series 7

12. The One with Phoebe's Cookies (S7, Ep3)

Fav Part: When Monica and Phoebe finally discover Phoebe's Grandma's cookie recipe
Quote: "He was trying to cheer me up. My pony was sick."

13. The One with All the Candy (S7, Ep9)

Fav Part: The mob outside Monica's apartment.
Quote: "Ross, the neighbours ate all my candy!" "Mine stole my newspaper! It's like a crime wave!"

14. The One with All the Cheesecakes (S7, Ep11)

Fav Part: When Rachel and Chandler start arguing over a cheesecake.
Quote: "So apparently we don't pay for food anymore"

15. The One Where They All Turn Thirty (S7. Ep14)

Fav Part: The flashbacks to each of their 30th birthday's.
Quote: "Happy Birthday Grandma, it's better to be over the hill...than buried under it"

Series 8

16. The One with Monica's Boots (S8, Ep10)

Fav Part: When Monica see's the boots she's ditched because of the pain in a different colour.
Quote: "Now would you say that is more than 50 yards from Sting, his wife or a member of his family?" "Yeah" "Then it's not breaking the law. I can go"

17. The One with the Secret Closet (S8, Ep14)

Fav Part: Where Chandler finally gets a locked closet open and discovers Monica's secret.
Quote: "Okay, no uterus, no opinion"

18.  The One in Massapequa (S8, Ep18)

Fav Part: Parker. And Monica's speech.
Quote: "My God! What a fantastically well lit hallway"

Series 9

19. The One With Phoebe's Rats (S9, Ep12)

Fav Part: Rachel's party and Phoebe explaining why she brought a box of baby rats with her.
Quote: "These are my rat babies"

20. The One with the Mugging (S9, Ep15)

Fav Part: Ross's reaction to being mugged
Quote: "Kids, kids! roll your way to childhood obesity!" 

21. The One with the Lottery (S9, Ep18)

Fav Part: The pigeon scaring Phoebe.
Quote: "What's more important your friends or money?" "MONEY... friends"

Series 10

22. The One with Ross's Tan (S10, Ep3)

Fav Part: Ross not being able to use a tanning booth properly.
Quote: "I went to that tanning place your wife suggested" "Was that place the sun?"

23. The One with Phoebe's Wedding (S10, Ep12)

Fav Part: I can't pick, I like it all.
Quote "The cold has now spread to my special place so I'm gonna do the quick version of this"

24. The One Where Joey Speaks French (S10, Ep13)

Fav Part: Phoebe explaining Joey's french
Quote: "Repeat after me, Je ma appelle Claude." "Je de coupe plough!"

25. The One With Princess Consuela (S10, Ep14)

Fav Part: When Phoebe tells Mike her new name and he decides to change his too.
Quote: "No, first name Crap, last name Bag."

(And one extra one because I really couldn't leave it out)

26. The Last One (S10, Ep20)

Fav Part: I can't really say without ruining it for you...
Quote: "Ok, Should we get some coffee?" "Sure. Where?"

So there you have it, I hope you liked this post. Leave a comment about your favourite friends episodes (if you can choose!)

Thursday 12 March 2015

My Current Top 10 Films

Hi guys, I figured I'd write a post about some of my favourite films. I'm constantly changing my mind about which movies are my fav's so it was quite tricky to come up with just ten. But these are the films I'm currently loving and with the stress of A-levels it's nice to have a break and stick on a movie.

1. 10 Things I Hate About You
This is one of my all time favourites! It is based on Shakespeare's 'Taming of the Shrew' but has a modern twist which makes it easy to follow. Some of the comedy reminds me slightly of Mean Girls and it is almost as though the Mean Girls producers were inspired by it. Heath Ledger stars in it (loveeeee him) and if you haven't already seen it I so recommend that you do.

2. Love, Rosie

It only came out on DVD a few days ago but I LOVE this film. When it came out me and my friend made sure we went to see it asap and it was so good! Sam Claflin (can I just say, whatta babe) and Lily Collins have so much chemistry, they are Alex and Rosie (the two main characters) I won't give much away but for a cute rom-com Love, Rosie is a perfect choice!

3. What If

Again, this is a new release. I'd wanted to go see it in the cinema but I never got round to it, so when I saw that it was out on DVD I made sure to buy it. The awkward comedy makes it light hearted and Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan are a great casting choice. The storyline is cute and it has the perfect mix of serious/comedy. It's easy enough to follow that if you don't have much time free you can just pop it on in the background while doing work (that's what I did)

4. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Okay, so I'm a bit of a Harry Potter geek but if I had to pick, the Philosophers Stone is my favourite of the film series. I think it captures the magic of Hogwarts and the wizarding world perfectly and the stunning scenery and clever filming make it a great introduction to the HP films. If you haven't watched the films for a while, or (dare I say it) ever, then make it your first priority!

5. Titanic

This is a very long film so if that essay has to be done by tomorrow I don't recommend it, but for serious procrastination* it's great. It is sad, but I do love it. The plot, the characters, the actors (Leo DiCaprio though, O.M.G.!) If you're feeling a bit sorry for yourself and want a weepy film to put on this is the film for you. Also Jack could have totally fitted on the piece of wood.
(*please don't actually follow my 'advice' and watch it to procrastinate)

6. Mean Girls

I think this has to be a teen classic! If you haven't seen it then go now and watch it because you are missing out, it's so great! Instantly quotable and great characters/plot/script, it is a great film and deffo one of my all time favs!

7. Ps I Love You

Another tear jerker, I was a MESS when I saw this for the first time. Gerard Butler and Hilary Swank are the perfect casting choices for this film. I don't want to say too much and ruin the plot if you haven't seen it before, so go and watch it! (but keep the tissues handy)

8. Love Actually

I had been meaning to watch this for a while and I finally got round to it a few weeks ago. I so wish I had watched it sooner! I love how all the storyline's intermingle and the cast was brilliant. I do like the soppy stuff and I did find it really cute. I found myself really hoping certain things would happen and others wouldn't (sorry that that's a bit vague but I'm trying really hard to not spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it)

9. Letters to Juliet

I find this film really really cute. It tells the story of old and new romance and it stems from the letters in Juliet Capulet's Courtyard, an courtyard in Italy where people have left letters for loved ones. It's quite a simple, light hearted rom-com and Amanda Seyfried is perfect as 'Sophie'. A lovely film and is definitely one to watch if you're feeling a bit down.

10. Rush

Now this isn't a chick flick or rom-com so it's a bit of an anomaly in that respect. Any f1 fanatic is sure to love it though! Great camera work, fast paced, full of action, and excellent actors it shows the real life story of the intense rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda. There are sex scenes and naked people in so maybe not one to watch with the parents and if you're a bit squeamish (like me) there is a scene later on in the film that you might have to look away for. It's not for everyone but if you like drama, excitement and cars it's one to watch.

So there you have it, 10 of my favourite films. Sorry this post was longer than normal and thank you if you stayed reading until the end.
Let me know if you'd like to see more of these list style posts in the future and your fav films and/or opinions on these ones. Also if I've persuaded you to watch one you haven't seen before let me know your thoughts :)

-AnEnglishRose xx

Monday 9 March 2015

H&M Skirts

 Hi guys at the moment I'm really loving H&M's basic skirts.
   They are inexpensive (£3.99) which is great if you're shopping on a budget, and great quality for money. The fabric is fairly soft and it's stretchy so even if your feeling a bit bloated you don't feel really restricted.
   I'd been looking for some nice skirts for a while and I loved the dark grey one so much that I went back and bought 2 more, grey and maroon. They go with pretty much everything, so you get loads of outfits with not much cost.

   I wear them all with a mixture of things from oversized shirts to crop tops but there are certain looks I prefer with the different colours. I tend to pair the maroon skirt with a cream jumper and leather jacket, whereas the grey skirt I'm currently loving with a stripy crop top and a thin cardigan.    I've been wearing them throughout autumn/winter and I think they are more suited to the colder seasons because the colours are autumnal and if you're feeling like a cozy day it's quite easy to pop on some thick tights and a warm jumper. That said I am looking forward to the spring/summer and finding new ways to wear them.
   I did tend to wear jeans constantly but I don't really feel that confident wearing them at the moment because I'm feel that they aren't really fitting me properly. These skirts are so simple and fit so well that I'm much more confident wearing them.
   Being at college 5 days a week means having to find a different outfit everyday but the versatility of these skirts means finding different outfits is relatively quick and easy.
   I totally recommend these skirts and I wish they had more variations of them because I would be down at H&M, asap.

What clothes are you loving at the moment? Leave a comment below

-AnEnglishRose xx

Saturday 7 March 2015

Rimmel London Velvet Matte Nail Polish Review

I recently bought two 'Velvet Matte' nail polishes from  Rimmel, 'Sumptuous Red' and 'Purple Opulence'. I really like the colour of both and I liked the idea of matte polishes. However after using them I was actually quite disappointed.
      Within hours of applying the purple it had chipped quite drastically (if I had a matte top coat to apply this might have been avoidable) With the red the chipping isn't as bad but within minutes small chips had appeared. The plus side of this polish is that it dries very quickly (a massive bonus if, like me, you are quite impatient waiting for nail polish to dry)
    Two coats of the purple was enough for an even, solid colour but the red is still a little streaky.

Sumptuous Red after applying
I like the colour of the red (a deep almost purpley red) so much that to protect it from chipping I have put an ordinary top coat on so that it lasts longer. It has gotten rid of the matte effect but I don't really mind as I prefer the colour to the matte effect. It is drying as I write this so I don't know how long the polish will last before chipping but I will update this post when I find out

Sumptuous Red with ordinary top coat
If you are looking for a good matte polish then, unless you have a matte top coat, I wouldn't recommend it. For the price it was, I expected better.

What are your feelings on matte polishes? Do you have a matte polish that you love? Leave a comment below.

Update: The red started to chip at the ends of the nail after the first day but it isn't too bad

Update Again: I removed this polish about a week later to redo it because it had chipped and was covered in paint (#artprobs) and I found that despite applying a base coat it had stained my nails slightly.

-AnEnglishRose xx

Thursday 5 March 2015

Lush 'Rock Star' Soap

I really love Lush products but unfortunately I don't have a bath to use their bath bombs. So when I ran out of shower gel I decided to visit Lush to see if they had anything. 
     I wasn't a big fan of the shower gels so I opted for the 'Rock Star' soap as I loved the colour (a pastel pink) and the description of it in the shop ,"smells like teen (sweet) spirit". Because of all the other fragrances in the shop I couldn't really get a proper idea of what it smelt like so I only bought 100g, just in case I didn't like it.
     It has quite a sweet smell (with vanilla extracts this is to be expected) and I did find that it was quite over powering when walking into the bathroom. For this reason I have taken to keeping it in an old (clean) margarine tub. When using it the smell is not to strong and it leaves you smelling slightly of vanilla. I tend to have showers in the evenings and unfortunately the smell doesn't really last until the morning (something which I had hoped it would). It lathers up quite well and it isn't harsh like some soaps. It does (as all soaps) get slippy when wet but that's not really a problem, just a slight annoyance when you do drop it.
     All in all I really love this soap and 10/10 would buy it again in future.  

Leave a comment about Lush products you love, 

-AnEnglishRose xx